Now that you know your Striving Style® or MBTI® four letter
code, find out what it means and how you can fast track
your development with an Interpretation Session!

Interpretation session based on Striving Styles® & MBTI®

Gain insight into your Striving Style® with our recorded Interpretation Sessions, giving you the benefit of learning directly from the creator of the SSPS®, at a fraction of the cost of our live sessions.

The Interpretation Session brings your Striving Style® to life, helping you to make the connection between what is currently happening in your life and the role your Striving Style® and Squad play in it.

Get started on moving from self-protection to self-actualization, and being who you are meant to be with the powerful insights and detailed steps to your developed provided in the session. 

Discover Your True Potential

*Based on the results of your Striving Styles®  Personality Assessment, MBTI® Type or Jungian Preferences

Regular Price of $47 - Limited Time Offer ONLY $29

What's included in an Interpretation Session:

  • Introduction to the SSPS® and the interpretation session
  • ​How our brain develops, the four functions of consciousness and the role of emotional needs in driving behavior
  • ​General information about the Style and how to satisfy its need
  • Self-Protective vs. Self-Actualizing Systems of the Style including how the Style behaves when operating from each System and the activators of the Self-Protective System
  • Blindspots of the Style and the impact on developmental needs
  • Achieving your potential based on the Striving Style® and how to plan for your development
Get Started On Achieving Your Potential Today:

Don't know your results? 
Select the Assessment + Interpretation Package and we will give you access as soon as we know your results.

Item Price
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
$29 USD
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You will receive access to the videos upon completion of the purchase

Not sure where to start?

Complete the interpretation session for your Predominant Striving Style (4-letter code or function) first. 
If you are ready to learn more about the Styles on your Squad, check out our Leveraging Your Squad Package. 

Who should view this webinar...
  • Anyone who is looking to increase satisfaction in all areas of life including career and relationships
  • Anyone who wants to understand what drives their behavior and how to change it
  • Anyone who is tired of living life in survival mode, operating on auto-pilot, trying to make it through
  • Anyone who wants to fully understand their unique abilities and true potential
  • ​Anyone who wants to pursue the desired life they have been too cautious or afraid to live
  • ​Anyone who is ready now to thrive by becoming who they are meant to be!
  • Anyone who is looking to increase satisfaction in all areas of life including career and relationships
  • Anyone who wants to understand what drives their behavior and how to change it
  • Anyone who is tired of living life in survival mode, operating on auto-pilot, trying to make it through
  • Anyone who wants to fully understand their unique abilities and true potential
  • ​Anyone who wants to pursue the desired life they have been too cautious or afraid to live
  • ​Anyone who is ready now to thrive by becoming who they are meant to be!

If you understand your brain, you can direct and influence how it functions and how it feels. Learn powerful insights about your Predominant Style and your true potential.

What other people have been saying:
Don't wait - get started today on the road to becoming...

Who You Are Meant To Be!

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