Are you ready

for relationships that rock?

Relationship issues don't magically go away. That's why our unique framework for creating relationships that rock in all areas of life is a must. 

Based on the latest advances in brain development and the neuro-psychology of relationships, our Maximizing Your Relationships  Toolkit shows you... 

  • Why you behave the way you do in relationships - and why you get so frustrated with the behavior of others 
  • Exactly what you need to feel satisfied in your relationships - so you can stop having relationships that are only "good enough" 
  • ​How to contain disruptive emotions, impulses and automatic behaviours - putting an end to power struggles & dysfunction 
  • ​How to change how others behave in your relationship - even if they don't want to develop (its possible!)
  • ​How to empower yourself to transform every one of your relationships - changing everything that isn't working

Dr. Anne Dranitsaris &
 Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard
Experts in relationship transformation and achieving potential using brain organization (personality) & neuro-psychological approaches to human development.

Stop believing you are powerless to fix your relationships. 

Join the over 300 women that have leveraged the Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit 
to transform their relationships. 

As featured in...

Danielle F.
Working with Anne & Heather has been truly transformational. I cannot believe how much using their framework  has changed my approach. New tools, new skills and best of all new confidence so no more 'good enough'.  Its had a profound impact on my relationship with my spouse, coworkers and teenage daughter!
Pamela D.
"Best investment."
My husband and I were constantly fighting. I could see my behavior was contributing but I felt powerless to do anything about it. The Toolkit helped me to really understand myself, why I behaved the way I did and how to talk to him about my needs in the relationship. Hands down the best investment. 

What's included in the Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit...

Powerful insight into your brain's organization

We cannot get the satisfying relationships we crave by focusing solely on changing the other person. It's not the magic bullet for fixing relationships. 

First, you need to know the dominant quadrant of your brain, the innate psychological need that must be met and how you behave when you are being self-protective. 

With our Maximizing Relationships Toolkit, you...

  • Know the innate needs that must be met for you to feel satisfied in your relationships
  • Understand why you behave the way you do and how your behavior shifts when you are being self-protective
  • ​​Can start to recognize where in your relationships you are living on auto-pilot
  • ​Learn how to communicate with others about your relationship style and how it impacts interactions with others 

Clear user manual to leverage your brain's relationship style 

Based on your brain's organization, you have a relationship style - a set of behaviors that you use to get your psychological needs met in relationships to feel satisfied.

If you are not aware of your relationships' needs nor how they drive your behavior, you end up complaining and feeling powerless to change your relationships.

With our Maximizing Relationships Toolkit, you...

  • Discover how you may create challenges in your relationships when your needs are frustrated 
  • Get the roadmap to negotiate with your partner, boss, mother, etc., to get your needs met - no apologies for being who you are meant to be 
  • Stop relying on your self-protective patterns that keep you playing small and safe in relationships 
  • ​Get empowered to show up authentically and powerfully in any relationship, rather than adapting to keep others happy

First step on the road to relationships that rock at home & work

The next step to transform your relationships is to fully understand your brain's hardwiring, including its innate potential and what it takes for you to develop.

Transforming your relationships starts with knowing yourself and not relying just on the unconscious relationship strategies that are hard wired into your brain.  

With our Maximizing Relationships Toolkit, you...  

  • Embrace your authentic self and all of its unique gifts that are hard wired into your personality
  • Learn to recognize your self-protective (& self-limiting!) patterns that keep you from the relationships and life you crave
  • Know the exact steps you need to take to take back the power you have been giving away to others
  • ​Fix any relationship where you are struggling or feeling neglected, transforming it into one in which you are truly thriving

Get off relationship autopilot and back in the driver's seat of your own life.

Join the 300+ women who have put an end to 'good enough' relationships and instead, created relationships that rock with the Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit. 

Susan W.
"You have opened my eyes..."
You have opened my eyes to a new world of possibility for me. I knew that I was struggling, but it is so much clearer to me that I was actually avoiding the things that I should be doing to feel satisfied in my relationships. I was skeptical that it would make a difference, but I am proof that this approach really works.
Sara-Jane B.
"Wow - is all I have to say!"
The feedback that I am getting, all I can say is wow! I did not think that I deserved such accolades, but I am now inspiring another group of people to embrace your needs satisfaction approach to  relationships. Well done ladies for your fantastic system. Thanks for all your help.

Our Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit is the first step towards understanding how you are hard wired to behave in relationships and how to create the conditions in your relationships in which you thrive

A powerful personal growth toolkit that blends:   

  • a Relationship Style assessment (Striving Styles® / MBTI®) that shows you how your brain is hard-wired and the innate, psychological needs that drive your behavior in relationships and how you leverage your brain to achieve your potential
  • a detailed report on your Relationship Style based on your assessment results that details what satisfiers and dissatisfies you in relationships as well as how you will strive to get you needs met through communication, conflict, romance and intimacy
  • PLUS a comprehensive interpretation video on how to leverage your strengths and unique potential, based on your predominant brain quadrant, to transform your relationships  

Turn any relationship around - no matter how dysfunctional!

Relationships don't have to be hard but you can't do it alone. Discover, just like the hundreds of women like you, how to be powerful in your relationships. NOW is the perfect time to change everything that isn't working in your relationships and fast track your progress toward your relationship vision. 

Anne & Heather

Dr. Anne Dranitsaris & Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard have over 60 years combined expertise working with individuals, couples, leaders and teams to transform their relationships and their lives. As experts in personality and brain-based human development, they have worked with thousands of individuals around the world seeking greater satisfaction in their relationships at work and at home.

Featured in Oprah magazine with their top ranked article - Who Are You Meant to Be? - they are authors of 80+ books on personal growth, relationships, career and leadership including Who Are You Meant to Be?, So, You Think You Can Lead? and Power Past the Imposter Syndrome. 

Anne & Heather are the co-creators of the Striving Styles Personality System, a neuro-psychological framework for discovering and achieving your true potential. Their clients love them for their pragmatic style that move them quickly to seeing transformation in their lives and relationships. 

Own your gifts. Embrace your power. Unleash your potential. 

For too many of us, we live life on autopilot, feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with our lives, our careers and our relationships. We end up surviving, rather than thriving. And, worst of all, we feel powerless to do anything about it.

From the beginning, we have been committed to helping individuals, leaders and organizations achieve their potential. We developed the Striving Styles Personality System to provide the one thing we believed was missing - a clear, step by step roadmap for our development based on brain science and what it takes for us to truly feel satisfied in our lives

Discover how you can live a more fulfilling life, achieve the potential that you have been muting or ignoring, and embrace your inner power to become who you are meant to be. Your brain holds the key and we can give you the 'user manual' so that you are in the 'driver's seat' of your own life. 
Having the thriving, satisfying relationships you crave IS POSSIBLE. 
Let us show you how.

Anne Drantisaris, P.h.D. & Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard

Get off autopilot and back in the driver's seat of your own life.
Discover your path to becoming who you are meant to be.

Our MAXIMIXING RELATIONSHIPS TOOLKIT is based on our neuro-psychological framework for achieving potential. 

(Think Myers-Briggs® (MTBI®) meets brain science, emotional intelligence and neuro-biology of human development.)

Hear what others have to say about the Striving Styles!

This is NOT just another assessment. 

In fact, if you have done the MBTI® or other personality assessments, you are finally going to get the direction you need to go beyond knowing your 4-letter code or color!!

  • Stop being at the mercy of your unconscious impulses, emotions and habits of mind. 
  • ​Understand the innate needs that drive your behavior and how to leverage your brain's full capacity to create the conditions for satisfying relationships.  
  • ​Put yourself back in the driver's seat of your relationships and your own life.

With Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit, we show you how.
Register by clicking below. Let's do this!

Fariba A.
"Uncomplicating the complex..."
Figuring out how to deal with the mix of people in my life has always been a big struggle. Complex is an understatement when I think of dealing with their emotions, behaviors, attitudes, and more. The Striving Styles has uncomplicated the complex by giving me an understanding of what makes people behave the way they do so that I can lead them effectively, every time. Managing these relationships is so much simpler for me now. 
Molly M.
"Highly recommend it!"
Like most leaders, I thought I had it all figured out. But looking at my behavior, based on my own brain and even just thinking about the role my brain plays, it was a game changer. It has made it so much easier to even just talk about behavior and what is fueling it. I highly recommend this for anyone looking to increase their impact as a leader and improve their relationships.

Take the trial and error out of creating satisfying relationships and living a life in which you thrive.

We WILL help you understand what drives your behavior, how to use the abilities you were born with to achieve what you were born for, and provide a roadmap, based on your brain, to break the patterns of behavior that get in the way of having the satisfying relationships that you crave. 

Frequently Asked Questions
I've done assessments before. How is this one different?
When we set out to create the Striving Styles®, it was because we had worked with so many different assessments and tools, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, that were not helping us or our clients to understand the 'why' behind behavior, and more importantly, the exact steps to break limiting patterns that stop us from achieving our potential in our relationships, our careers and our life. The Striving Styles goes beyond the assessment to provide you with a roadmap for development that you can navigate on your own, or with support, that takes the guess work out of trying to figure out "now what?" after completing an assessment.

How will the Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit help me?
For many of us, we may recognize when we are feeling dissatisfying, frustrated, depressed or anxious, however, it is not always apparent to us why or what exact steps we can take to change these experiences in our relationships. The Maximizing Your Relationship Toolkit provides you with the insights, based on your own brain organization, to understand why you behave the way you do, how to get your needs met so that you feel psychologically secure, and gives you a step-by-step framework to shift from surviving to thriving in your relationships. It equips you with the tools you need to not only understand the mechanics of your mind, but the exact roadmap to create the conditions in your relationships in which you are most likely to thrive.

What is different in your approach to developing relationship potential?
One of the truly unique aspects of our approach is that it based on science and focuses on what we need as humans to actually develop towards our potential given our brain organization and the mechanics of the mind. It considers our conditioning and how that contributes to our self-protective patterns of behavior. We look at the whole person and believe that everything we struggle with as human's IS IN OUR HEADS, and therefore within our power to develop. Making it easy for you to understand your brain, how to leverage it fully, what you need to truly feel satisfied in your relationships and how you can achieve your potential, so you have the wisdom and the power to become who you are meant to be is behind everything we do. 

What if I want more one-on-one support or help from Anne or Heather?
You can book coaching sessions for yourself, with your partner or child, as well as group sessions if you want to leverage the toolkit further. We also offer a number of other online programs and access to our Private Facebook Group which provides ongoing support for our members. Contact us for more details. 
Leveraging your potential means being your own driving force in your relationships and life. The Maximizing Your Relationships Toolkit shows you how to tap into your innate relationship gifts, negotiate to get your innate needs met and, ultimately, to have the satisfying relationships you crave. 
You work far too hard, you have tried far too much and you have come too far to stop short of investing in yourself to achieve all your goals, your dreams and ultimately, all your potential.

You don't have to be any more ready than you are today. 
Create the relationships you are meant to have...we can show you how.
"Hands down this is way better than any other approach out there. Their no b.s., neuroscience-based approach just makes everything make sense and become doable. It was tough at times to look so closely at myself, but the shift in my perspective and behavior were profound. A must-do program for anyone who truly wants to thrive in their relationships and live their best life!"
- Janet Graham
Author, Babes on Bay Street
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